STEM author Colin clough

In 2022 STEM member Colin Clough completed what he has termed a ‘lightly auto-biographical’ collection of stories, called The tap dance (Nelson, CopyPress, 2022.)

As he says in his Introduction: ‘All the stories here are true, except for the ones that are not.’ The stories progress from memoir to fictionalised or semi-fictionalised life experiences (‘to protect the guilty’) and on to outright fiction - the whole making a powerful comment on the lives of a now almost forgotten generation: those born in the 1930s Great Depression, living on through World War Two, the ‘nuclear family’ 1950s, the radical 60s and 70s, and then the economic boom and bust years that followed.

This book is approaching sell-out, but is still available in our on-site STORE. Price $20.


Individual projects


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